Welcome to
St. Mark's Day School
Where character is forged through the integration of faith, intellect, and leadership.
message from
the headmaster

Our Mission
To sow the seeds of faith, intellect, and leadership so that each child may grow to mature humanhood.
- The seed of faith encourages each child to look beyond difficult circumstances to the God that can renew and transform all things.
- The seed of intellect awakens the faculties of each child to methodically process information, acquire wisdom and understanding, and see the beauty of God in all creation.
- The seed of leadership strengthens the will to set healthy boundaries, maintain emotional homeostasis, and develop life-giving habits.
The St. Mark’s Day School promotes educational integrity, moral strength, personal responsibility and cultural awareness.
The school is driven by the pursuit of academic excellence within a religious community creating a foundation for lifetime learning.
Our School has an early childhood program and teaches grades 1 – 8.

After School Enrichment Program
The After School Enrichment program operates Monday through Friday, from 3 pm to 6 pm, with an associated additional cost. The program includes the following activities:
- Homework Help/Tutoring
- Arts & Craft
- Piano
- Steel Band
- Leadership Development
- Educational Board Games
Summer Enrichment Program
The Summer Enrichment Program spans 7 weeks, running from July to August, and offers a comprehensive experience for students from Nursery to 8th grade. The program includes:
- Academic Enrichment
- Reading Comprehension
- Applied Math & Science
- Computer Technology
- Vocational Bible School
- Arts & Craft
- Educational Board Games
- Music Program (Steel Pan, Vocal, Piano)
- Educational Field Trips
Upcoming Events
School Calendar
The School Prayer
Bless O Lord this day the School of St. Mark. Let your Holy Spirit guide all staff and students, present or absent. May we by example, speak the truth, desire goodness and delight in knowledge, that following after these things we may come to know and worship you the Giver of all that is good through Jesus Christ our Lord –Ame
The School Pledge
I pledge myself to uphold the honor and good name of St. Mark’s Day School in school and out of school. I will be regular, punctual, attentive and obedient. At lessons and at games, I will conduct myself with dignity and honor so that I learn to serve God, the United States of America and my own welfare, with knowledge, skill and industry.
Contact Us:
For questions and inquiries. Message us using the form and well respond as soon as possible.